Overcome the Overwhelm And Steep Learning Curve Of A New Coaching Business And Confidently Fill Your Book With Paying Clients Fast - in BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane
I see you. You’re a new coach or consultant, struggling to gain traction in your business and still don’t have many (or any) paying clients…
This is a huge problem for new coaches because you don’t know what you don’t know.
- Irrespective of how many coaching qualifications you’ve taken and how many free resources you’ve consumed, it still isn’t clicking into place and you’re feeling it financially and emotionally.
- You’re starting to realise that being a great coach and having a great coaching business are not the same thing.
- You‘re jumping from one new idea to the next because you’re seeing other successful but less-qualified coaches do this, yet none of it is working and you're left scratching your head wondering whether you’ll ever get there.
Truth is, trial and error can take decades and the longer you try to figure things out, the further away from your goals you end up.
How much longer are you willing to wait?
It's not all bad...
Even if you’ve been stuck in this figuring things out cycle for years, I’d put money on the fact you’re making one or two rookie mistakes that are keeping you stuck and preventing you from booking dozens of dream clients.
I’ve worked with hundreds of coaches, new and old - and the same things come up time and time again.
You help who, achieve what, by how?
It sounds simple but it’s far from simple. Most coaches are unclear on which steps to take and in which order. Which means they make slow or no progress and waste a lot of time on the wrong things.
Getting consistent clients isn't as easy as you thought. You might be finding this now?
Getting your messaging right, creating an irresistible offer that sells like hot cakes and a developing a lead generation system that builds predictable revenues will give you a thriving and profitable coaching business.
This is the difference between creating the impact you want to have in the world and lifestyle you dream of, versus having to go back to your 9-5 to pay the mortgage or continuing to struggle, feeling like you never quite have enough money coming in to comfortably do all the things you want...
You see, most new coaches end up so overwhelmed they don’t know which direction to go in. So they either try everything (throwing spaghetti at the wall in the hope that some of it sticks) or nothing because procrastination takes hold.
Which one is you?
What if you had a roadmap that stripped away your overwhelm and showed you how to:
- Sign your first or next 10 paying clients.
- Develop a pipeline of prospects and consistent revenues.
- Know which things to work on at every step.
- Create quick wins that boost your confidence.
- Learn the secrets that 6-figure coaches already know.
- Get going once and for all and finally feeling like you’re winning.
- Get on a path that will keep you focused and on track.
- Build offers that will sell, including ways to leverage your time through programs and courses.
- Position yourself as a leader in your industry.
- Generate more and more opportunities as you become established.
- Get visible and stand out in front of your ideal clients.
- Build an email list so you can reach more people.
- Know how to properly market and sell your offers so you book more clients, more easily.
- Grow a business that has solid foundations and will still be here years from now.
Would any of this help you?
For just...
You will get:
• 90 days of key actions
• Online dashboard with instant access to all 90 actions - Forever access
• Access to the carefully curated BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane dashboard dashboard
• Lifetime access to all my Mastermind Success Paths
• 50 Workbooks
• 50 Customisable Canva Templates
• Value => £5000
BreakthroughTM Online
With Karen Kissane
What most people need - especially those at the beginning of their business journey, are simple steps to follow. Every single day. Because the small steps add up to the big moves.
When you’re new and just getting going there are so many things that can throw you off course.
There are a zillion things you could be doing, but you can’t do everything and neither would you want to.
A few things done really well - in the right order - is the difference between success and failure.
Lack of clarity and low confidence causes:
- Chronic overthinking.
- Massive procrastination.
- Throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
You’ll never build a successful coaching business by doing this.
For people like you who don’t want to spend the next 12 months in a program, having invested an eye-watering amount of money, yet still not clear on the path to take.
BREAKTHROUGHTM ONLINE WITH KAREN KISSANE is a 90-day course, purely focused on giving new coaches and consultants everything they need to get up and running and booking clients as fast as possible.
We’ll give you a new action step and clear direction every single day…
...on things like: defining your niche and perfecting your message, how to create packages and programs that people need and want, why growing a following and building a pipeline is the key to a consistent flow of leads and how to sell confidently so you turn your incoming enquiries into clients effortlessly.
All of this will be delivered straight into your inbox and uploaded into your online portal each day, so you’ll always know what you’re working on and you’ll always be moving forward.
Imagine what this will do for your business?

How to build a recognisable brand that stands out and gives you the edge.
Your business needs a brand identity and a way to stand head and shoulders above everyone else in your niche. I’ll show you how.
Who are your people?
We’ll dig deep and connect with who your ideal clients are and how you help them. Even if you think you know this already, we’ll go deeper and from this we’ll craft your unique message so it’s compelling and speaks the language of your perfect clients so they feel understood. Being able to articulate who you help and crucially what you help them to achieve (clue: this is often missed) is a must in your business. Without this, you’re speaking to an empty room.
Your visibility and how you market yourself is vital.
We all want an easy system that gets you in front of the right people and brings you the right kinds of clients with ease. We’ll cover lead magnets, list building, launching and easy-to-implement ways to get your products and services under the noses of the people who need them the most whilst being in complete alignment with how you run your business.
Social media has the ability to transform your business.
There are thousands of people out there who are your potential customers and reaching these online will take you towards your financial goals much more quickly. I‘ll share my best strategies on how to create content that resonates deeply with your audience, build your credibility and position yourself as a thought leader in your field, without being a slave to social media.
Mastering your Mindset is a critical lever in your success.
You have to believe it is possible and have to believe you can do it. Self belief counts for more than what you know or what you do. If you don’t think you can do it, you won’t. Resourcefulness, resilience, confidence and positivity are essential for you to build the business you aspire to. We’ll build you up to feel capable and unstoppable.
We’ll work on the pillars of your business.
Ensuring that the foundations are in place. If your business has stalled, is stuck or you’ve hit a plateau, this will help you to get back on track. We’ll look at your values and your mission, making sure there’s a demand for your expertise so you build a business that’s destined to succeed.
How to package your services into irresistible offers.
The most sustainable businesses are those which have a range of revenue streams. Even if you’ve only ever provided 1:1 services until today, I’ll show you new ways to generate revenue that enables you to reach higher income levels through leveraging the power of 1:many and online business models. We’ll even look at the tech options you need to reach more people, create online courses or memberships and run group programs.
Building consistent and predictable revenues.
The holy grail of business. We’ll show you how to build a lead generation pipeline by taking people on a journey from having never heard of you, to becoming your raving fans so you’re no longer starting each month wondering where your next client is coming from.
Being able to sell your services confidently is key.
Selling isn't just about making money and it definitely isn’t just about having a chat with someone, it's about making a real connection with the people you know you can help and showing them the way forward. I’ll teach you how to book discovery calls and how to lead the calls with confidence so people are asking YOU how quickly they can start.
There's no badge of honour for struggling you know...
Get going with BREAKTHROUGHTM ONLINE WITH KAREN KISSANE and start booking clients!
Or you can stay exactly where you are.
If you have big plans for your business and know you’re made for more, let’s get you flying and feeling amazing again.
For just...
You will get:
• 90 days of key actions
• Online dashboard with instant access to all 90 actions - Forever access
• Access to the BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane dashboard
• Lifetime access to all my Mastermind Success Paths
• 50 Workbooks
• 50 Customisable Canva Templates
• Value => £5000
I know what it feels like to be right where you are now.
Hi, I’m Karen
Award winning business coach, your friend and your biggest supporter. I’ve been where you are right now.
With so many ideas, things to do, paths to follow yet no real idea on how to make any of this happen.
Then after a while, fear sets in. Followed by procrastination. Then 6 months passes and still the business is bumping along on the start line. The aspirations you had to create incredible success are starting to feel like a distant memory.
And while my life and business look like a dream-scene now, the story of how I got here isn’t any different to your story.
My business was certainly not an overnight success. In fact, the rocky road of entrepreneurship sometimes felt impossible to travel.
I knew where I wanted to go, but I couldn’t figure out how to get there fast enough.
Until I got real with myself.
And now I’m here to help you to get real with yourself, just like I’ve helped 1000s of clients get real with themselves and go on to create their own remarkable success through my business coaching.
Today I run my business from our Chateau in South West France having created a life that gives me freedom and fulfilment. Here’s your chance to do the same.
What's included?
This is what we’ll give you:
90 Days of Key Actions
Everything you need to get your business up and running and making money fast. This is a clear cut roadmap outlining the steps to take and the order in which to take them. This means progress every single day without feeling overwhelmed.
Value £3000
The BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane Dashboard
All of your daily actions will be packaged into an easy-to-use, beautiful online dashboard designed to keep you on track and make it impossible for you not to succeed. And that’s not even the best bit, you’ll get lifetime access too, so it’s yours to keep forever.
Value £1000
Lifetime Access To All Of My Mastermind Success Paths
Comprehensive game plans on the 10 non-negotiable elements of a successful online business, from getting your messaging on point, to creating your offers, from working out your pricing to growing your audience, how to launch and a whole lot more.
Value £2000
As if all of this wasn’t enough…
The Bonuses

50 workbooks on the key action steps, to make it even easier for you to get up and running fast. Yours to keep.
Value £1000

To build your visibility even faster on social media and save hours of your time.
Value £100

I’ve learnt and grown so much in these two and a half months!
If anyone had told me at the start I’d have 10 new clients a few weeks later, including a corporate one, I would have said they were bonkers.
For just...
You will get:
• 90 days of key actions
• Online dashboard with instant access to all 90 actions - Forever access
• Access to the BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane dashboard
• Lifetime access to all my Mastermind Success Paths
• 50 Workbooks
• 50 Customisable Canva Templates
• Value => £5000
- You’re just starting out, you haven’t a clue which way to go and your days are spent trying to get clarity on what your next step should be.
- You’ve tried for a while on your own but still don’t have anywhere near enough clients (or any clients!)
- You’ve been in programs before that have left you more confused than ever and you're reluctant to invest in something else incase it still doesn't work...
- You’re stressed about how long it’s taking you to get your business off the ground and the thought of going back to your 9-5 isn't something you even want to entertain.
- You’re spending too much time looking at what others are doing, wondering what they know that you don’t and how they managed to figure it all out.
- You’re ready for more. You know you’ve got it in you, you just don’t yet know how to make it happen…yet. You know you need something, you just don't know what.
What are you waiting for?
Imagine where your business could be in 90 days if you take inspired action today.
Yes, you'll get lifetime access to the program content and dashboard so you can loop back and refine your strategies over time.
For just...
You will get:
• 90 days of key actions
• Online dashboard with instant access to all 90 actions - Forever access
• Access to the BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane dashboard
• Lifetime access to all my Mastermind Success Paths
• 50 Workbooks
• 50 Customisable Canva Templates
• Value => £5000
You could spend the next 90 days doing what you’re doing right now, and stay exactly where you are. Or you could go all in on BREAKTHROUGHTM ONLINE WITH KAREN KISSANE and start booking clients!
Get going with BREAKTHROUGHTM ONLINE WITH KAREN KISSANE and start booking clients!
Or you can stay exactly where you are.
If you have big plans for your business and know you’re made for more, let’s get you flying and feeling amazing again.