THRIVE is The Ultimate 12 Month Experience Designed to Game Change Your Coaching Business, Fast

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RemarkableTM Coaches and Consultants, Monetise Your GeniusTM And Make More Money, More Simply.


Take Huge Steps Forward In Your Coaching Business Year on Year And Hit The Money Goals You Want.

Without being a slave to social media, feeling constantly overwhelmed and wondering if you'll ever properly make it?

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I see you. You’re a damn good coach but something needs to change because you're sick and tired of the emotional and financial rollercoaster of running your own business.

One month it's amazing... and the next month it's awful. The thought of creating endless social media posts, constantly chasing your next client and working on your mindset daily is taking the joy out of your business.

Where is this easier life you were promised? The life of freedom, time with your kids being your own boss and making the money you want? Most days it's nowhere to be seen....


The reality is, building a thriving and profitable coaching business is tough.

Most people don't know how to reach enough people and when they do, they don't know how to turn their leads into sales and build momentum without constantly having to go back to the drawing board, pump out endless content social media posts or create new offers more regularly than they change their pants.

We've all heard the words 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result.'

If it's time to do something different, if you want clear direction, feedback on your ideas, a sense of being in the right place and feeling supported, then you're in the right place because I'm going to tell you something;

But when you get the right support everything changes...

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What if you had all the resources and support you needed at your fingertips, to build your confidence and bank balance on topics like;

  • Building an audience, where you can actually see the numbers increasing.
  • Creating powerful content that converts into followers, enquiries and sales.
  • Standing out online, rather than feeling like you're invisible.
  • Learning how to sell confidently on calls, on webinars and in the DMs.
  • How to build a team and outsource without getting your fingers burnt.
  • Getting to grips with the tech you need to make things run more smoothly.
  • Knowing how to design, build and sell online courses and programmes.
  • Creating funnels that will bring you a steady flow of leads and free up your time.
  • Building recurring revenue and ditching the feast and famine rollercoaster.

And so much more...

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Would any of this help you?

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When you have the right strategy and you're able to take inspired, supported action;


You CAN MAKE INCREDIBLE THINGS HAPPEN, when you are given the right environment and the right set of conditions to succeed.

It’s actually not that hard to get your coaching or consulting business up and running when you think about it..

There are no products to buy, no stock or premises needed, very few overheads.

The costs to get going are low.... all you really need is a laptop and internet connection, your ideas and a sprinkle of determination..

Easy right?

So why is it that so many people find it agonisingly slow to build momentum and earn the money they want? Then feel like quitting 12 months down the line, considering a different niche or going back to the corporate job they were once desperate to leave?

Effort is important, but knowing where to put your effort is more important.

This is why: there are steps to follow that many people miss. 

They focus on the wrong things and get lost down a rabbit hole of confusion and overwhelm. 

This means they spend their time doubting themselves, wondering if they’ll ever make enough and constantly feel under pressure financially because of this.

People get busy with the wrong things and waste precious time.

You have to close the gaps in your knowledge and focus on the right things, in the right order, at the right time. Otherwise you're playing business lotto.

Let's build you an amazing business.

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It's not that you're not experienced enough...

It's not that you're not cut out for it.

It's not that your niche needs refining, or your prices are too high or times are tough and no-one is buying.

You haven't hit a ceiling and you haven't lost your edge.

It's because you don't know what you don't know and therefore you're not taking the right action. There are gaps - and you know it.

And if you don't know where the gaps are, how can you hope to create the results you want?

You need two things; knowledge and the ability to act on that knowledge - to take action.

Can I let you into a secret?

Taking action is the hardest part. It's where most people fall down.

They overthink, procrastinate, get obsessed over every last tiny detail rather than taking messy imperfect action towards their goals.

When my clients work with me, the emphasis is on the DOING. And this is why they get RESULTS.

Because knowledge doesn't apply itself.

This is why self study courses aren't always effective. There's no accountability and it's easy to skip the work.

Introducing Thrive

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THRIVE Isn't a Course, or a Program, or a Mastermind, or a Training Portal. It's All Of These.
And It's Unique Because It Will Grow With You.

If you're starting up it'll help you to get the foundations in place.

It'll show you how to get everything set up so you start booking clients.

It'll teach you how to create offers that sell and will get you making money in the shortest time possible.

If you're already established and making money, THRIVE will show you how to evolve your business model and navigate through the growth phase, so you go from drowning and at capacity, to having more time and freedom.

And if you're already enjoying high revenue months and are ready to scale, THRIVE will help you to build out the systems and processes to do this, so you leverage not just your time, but everything else in your business.

Most programs are designed for a particular stage of business or to help you with a specific aspect of business (such as building your audience or mastering social media).

Not this one.

It'll support you for as long as you need it. And it'll keep giving for as long as you keep taking.

THRIVE will support you through the entire journey, from starting up - to growing fast - to scaling simply.


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For just...


For an entire 12 months for the price of 6 when you pay in full you will get:

• 2 Live Calls Per Month With Me For Training And All Of Your Questions
• Business Assessment Tools To Keep You On The Right Track
• Dashboard With Over 200 Trainings Across Dozens Of Business Topics
• All My Mastermind Success Paths Worth £2000 On Their Own
• The Incredible Facebook Community For Connection And Support
• Roadmaps To Guide You Through Curated Lesson Plans
• A Monthly Copy Clinic with An Expert Copywriter To Audit Your Work
• Masterminding And Co-working Sessions
• Member's Directory For Enhanced Networking And Collaboration

And Special Bonuses Including
• The Entire BreakthroughTM  Online with Karen Kissane Course (Value £697)
• 12 Months Of Calls And Group Access When You Pay In Full (Value £1000)

Take Huge Steps Forward In Your Coaching Business Year on Year And Hit The Money Goals You Want


Think of THRIVE as a growing resources library packed full of everything you need to start, grow and scale your coaching business.

Probably the only program you'll ever need.

I created it because I realised I had so many assets I could share with you - on all of the things I've  done to build my own business and the businesses of hundreds of my clients over the last 5 years.

These assets have been pivotal in helping:

  • Start-ups to launch, build the foundations, create their first offers,  and get their first clients and see the money coming in consistently.
  • Established coaches to create a more profitable business model that enables them to hit high revenue months and shatter glass ceilings.
  • Scaling businesses to leverage themselves, stack their income and free up their precious time in doing so.

My passion is to help you to make more money while working less. It's to help great coaches build great coaching businesses. 

I've helped hundreds of people to do this and you could be the next success story...


THRIVE is a great fit for you if can say yes to the following:

  • You’re starting up, growing fast or scaling and want to gain faster momentum. There are a few blocks in your way and way you want to move faster than they are allowing.
  • You’ve tried for a while on your own but still don’t have anywhere near enough clients. You've realised that figuring to out on your own is the slow path.
  • You’ve been in programs before that have left you more confused than ever. There HAS to be more emphasis on the DOING because you already know implementation is key and you're not doing enough of it.
  • You’re spending too much time working on the wrong things and know there has to be a better way.
  • You’re ready to learn about new things systems, funnels, scaling,'s all on the horizon.
  • You’ve tried for a while on your own but still don’t have anywhere near enough clients. You've realised that figuring to out on your own is the slow path.
  • You want to learn from someone who is where you want to be and already know the difference this makes in business. Time is money and you don't have years to throw at this in the hope you'll get the results you want eventually.
  • You’re ready for more. You know you’ve got it in you, you just don’t yet know how to make it happen…yet.
  • You want support that will last you longer than just a few weeks, growth takes time and the thought of being supported in one solid container for a substantial period of time is stabilising for you.



This is what you'll get when you join THRIVE;

Live monthly calls

Two live calls every month where you can get your questions answered, brainstorm your ideas and get feedback on your strategy.

Worth £3000

Regular business audits

A business assessment audit every 30, 60 or 90 days to expose the gaps and define your key areas for growth so you're always on the right track and moving forward.

Worth £495

Epic guest experts

Guest experts on topics of your choice that will enhance your learning further. Want to know about LinkedIn, Facebook ads or branding? No problem.

Worth £1500

Monthly copy clinics

A monthly session with an expert copywriter with dedicated time for your copy reviews. Not sure how to get your message across? This is when to get direction!

Worth £500

The THRIVE dashboard 2.0

A powerful dashboard packed full of cheatsheets, how-to guides, templates and trainings on all aspects of building an online business.

Worth £3000

10 mastermind success paths

Access to all 10 of my Mastermind Success Paths on topics including defining your niche, creating irresistible offers, growing your audience and more.

Worth £2000

This is everything I’ve learnt in my coaching business in the last 5 years..

And it’s everything I wish I’d known when I started. I’ve invested over £200K in my business and spent the last few years developing my systems. I'm sharing it with you inside THRIVE. I’m giving you my best strategies and systems inside THRIVE.

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Imagine being supported for an entire 12 months (or longer) with;

  • Live Q&As, mini-masterminds, guest expert sessions and training topics that are perfectly designed to give you what you need, when you need it.
  • You'll start with a personalised business assessment to expose where the gaps are and your bespoke game plan will signpost you to the right resources, guides, videos and strategies for your current focus.
  • When you're done, you'll head back to the assessment tool and go again. This regular and bespoke analysis of your business means you'll always be heading in the right direction and always be making progress without feeling overwhelmed or distracted.
  • And when your 6 months is up you can book to go again for another cycle of live calls but even if you don't, the library is yours to keep, (not like Netflix when you stop paying you lose everything and have to binge watch all of your favourites in 2 days).
  • THRIVE is built on roadmaps because we know how much of a difference it makes to follow a plan and be guided by someone who knows.
  • Let's ditch feeling overwhelmed, procrastinating when you really want to get going, feeling unclear and lacking direction.


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For just...


For an entire 12 months for the price of 6 when you pay in full you will get:

• 2 Live Calls Per Month With Me For Training And All Of Your Questions
• Business Assessment Tools To Keep You On The Right Track
• Dashboard With Over 200 Trainings Across Dozens Of Business Topics
• All My Mastermind Success Paths Worth £2000 On Their Own
• The Incredible Facebook Community For Connection And Support
• Roadmaps To Guide You Through Curated Lesson Plans
• A Monthly Copy Clinic with An Expert Copywriter To Audit Your Work
• Masterminding And Co-working Sessions
• Member's Directory For Enhanced Networking And Collaboration

And Special Bonuses Including
• The Entire BreakthroughTM  Online with Karen Kissane Course (Value £697)
• 12 Months Of Calls And Group Access When You Pay In Full (Value £1000)


I know what it feels like to be right where you are now.

Hi, I’m Karen

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Award winning business coach, your friend and your biggest supporter.

Everyone has to start somewhere. Five years ago I was doing a happy dance over the first coaching package I sold.

It was a 50% off deal - £300 for 6 sessions. I was a brand new coach and sold it to my pro bono training clients as a thank you.Three of them said yes.

I remember sitting in the kitchen with my husband thinking that if I could make my corporate salary of £75K I’d be quids in. I’d be at home, could spend more time with my children….

But I broke every rule in the book. I massively undervalued my time. I charged by the session and hour. To make £75K I’d have been working more hours than was humanly possible. I didn’t have a clear niche. And said I could pretty much coach anyone

A few years down the line and it’s a very different story.

When things start to take off they can really snowball. I learnt so much about running an online business and the power of digital marketing.

In my first year as a coach the most I made per month was £5K but that wasn’t consistent. Year 2 got me to consistent £10K months and the £100K mark. But I spent a lot on learning and coaching to help me get there. In year 3, 4 and 5 my business skyrocketed...

Hang in there… it’ll come. Learn what you need to know and place an unbelievable amount of TRUST in yourself that you can and will make it happen. Know that everything you’re doing is taking you in the right direction.



Hitting the 6-figure mark in your business is life changing for most people. It’s £8333 a month

It’s a threshold that gives most people more choices with how they live their life and the decisions they can make.

Things no longer feel like they’re out of reach or need saving up for.

There’s a sense of freedom and the ability to live your life with more ease, because let’s face it, money does bring ease.

Being able to take time off in your business knowing there’s enough money coming in.

Being able to book any type of holiday you want, rather than looking for the best deals.

Not having to save up for Christmas for months in advance….

Knowing that you’re safe from recessions and economy crises because you’ve built a business that has more than enough to keep you and your family secure.

When the money starts to flow, it flows faster because you’re no longer paralysed by fear or indecision.

You can buy the things you need and make investments that bring even more money to you.

That’s why wealthy people get wealthier.

For many people, reaching 6-figures creates a new life. It did for me - changed my life completely because it opened the door to even more growth and opportunity.

“Live life as if everything is rigged to go your way. Be bold, take risks and watch the magic unfold”

And if you work on the right things, get focused, are prepared to put the work in and commit to making it happen you can get to 6-figures quite easily.

You don’t need a team. You don’t need to work 60 hour weeks. You don’t need to be salesy or spammy or do anything that’s misaligned with who you are. And you can have huge profit margins at this level. It’s not until you scale up from here that you need a bigger operation.

I got here working from the kitchen table, looking after my kids and juggling running the home. Back then my husband had a demanding job and I did everything.

BUT for this to be possible, you do need to know what you’re doing. Otherwise you’re firing blanks. You’re throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping some of it sticks. And you’re wasting time. It’s time to take the right action, every day.

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This is what we'll create together inside THRIVE;

  • An audience to sell to, whether that's on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or any other platform, we'll master content marketing so you get noticed and stand out online.
  • A message built on real outcomes that powerfully speaks to your ideal client. No more wishy washy platitudes. We'll create impact and turn heads.
  • Building your brand and ensuring the foundations are in place. We're talking identity, purpose, vision and values.
  • Get to grips with social media, content creation, CTAs
  • Learning how to sell confidently on calls, on webinars and in the DMs.
  • How to build a team and outsource without getting your fingers burnt.
  • Getting to grips with the tech you need to make things run more smoothly.
  • Knowing how to design, build and sell online courses and programmes.
  • Creating funnels that will bring you a steady flow of leads and free up your time.
  • Building recurring revenue and ditching the feast and famine rollercoaster.

And so much more...

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Would any of this help you?

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When you have the right strategy and you're able to take inspired, supported action;


You CAN MAKE INCREDIBLE THINGS HAPPEN, when you are given the right environment and the right set of conditions to succeed.

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Thrive has been an invaluable support system for me and my business.

The whole program is unlike anything I've seen elsewhere – user-friendly, informative, and interactive.

Helen Reade
- Positive Psychologist

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Pam Rigden

Karen helped me transform my business and generate £30,000 in one month.

Karen inspired me to reinvent my business and now thanks to her guidance I'm ending my year on a high note.

Pam Rigden
- Coach and NLP Trainer

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You'll get far more than you could possibly expect.

I don't think there's anything out there that's better value for money than Karen's Thrive program.

Ali Cutler
- Happiness Coach

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natalie riede

The Lifetime Access is invaluable and the value I get out of it is insane.

Anytime I want something, I can search in the Thrive Dashboard and I find it. And it'll grow with me as my business develops.

Natalie Riede
- Cancer Support Coach

Many programs of this calibre are easily this price per month. So the fact we're also giving you bonuses is insane...

The Bonuses



Get an extra 6 months of live calls and Facebook group access - 12 months of calls for the price of 6. Value £1000



The entire BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane course included.
BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane my 90-day roadmap that gives you a new action step daily. you can choose to sign up for the daily emails or not. these action steps are the exact steps I have taken to build my own coaching business.
Value £697

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Claire (1)

The impact of working with Karen on our business has been phenomenal.

The value she has added to our business had far exceeded that initial investment. (1:1 client)

Claire Pass
- Dragonfly Impact Education

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Karen's content is amazing and the other members are so inspiring.

I’ve been running free masterclasses and challenges, I have taster offers, I’m about to launch a programme and I ran my first in person retreat. All off the back of the Thrive calls and how-tos in the dashboard.

Suzy Malhotra
- Holistic Life Coach


  • Irrespective of how many webinars you've watched, freebies you've downloaded or Instagram profiles you've stalked, it still isn’t moving fast enough. You can see it and feel it.
  • You’re sick and tired of trying every new idea under the sun in the hope it'll be the one big thing that brings you new clients. New packages, new branding, new've tried literally everything. You can't figure out what it is it you're missing, gah...
  • You‘ve got clients and you're making money but they're not flowing steadily and this leaves you constantly on a knife's edge and panicky about the future. You live in frequent state of worry that their packages are coming to an end and have no new clients lined up for when they finish.
  • You want to hire a VA or tech person - you know this will help but don't want to end up in a sticky situation and commit to something you can't really afford. Most days you feel like you're caught between a rock and a hard place. The teamie will free up your time and help you make more...but you have to take a gamble first.
  • The hard truth is you're tired. You want someone to take your hand and show you the easiest and fastest way forward, without charging you an arm and a leg. Because you've been there, had fingers burnt and got the t-shirt and it didn't feel nice. You know this can't stop you from making future investments, but the need to go carefully feels HUGE.
  • If you know you're getting in your own way and you need accountability, people around you and the motivation to make it happen. You're an action taker. You're smart and you know this makes complete and utter sense.
  • You woke up this morning with the biggest smile on your face, knowing this is right for you...

Shall we make it happen?

Are you ready to start seeing results?

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For just...


For an entire 12 months for the price of 6 when you pay in full you will get:

• 2 Live Calls Per Month With Me For Training And All Of Your Questions
• Business Assessment Tools To Keep You On The Right Track
• Dashboard With Over 200 Trainings Across Dozens Of Business Topics
• All My Mastermind Success Paths Worth £2000 On Their Own
• The Incredible Facebook Community For Connection And Support
• Roadmaps To Guide You Through Curated Lesson Plans
• A Monthly Copy Clinic with An Expert Copywriter To Audit Your Work
• Masterminding And Co-working Sessions
• Member's Directory For Enhanced Networking And Collaboration

And Special Bonuses Including
• The Entire BreakthroughTM  Online with Karen Kissane Course (Value £697)
• 12 Months Of Calls And Group Access When You Pay In Full (Value £1000)


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Enfys (1)

She makes everything easier and simpler.

I'm thrilled I made the investment. (Mastermind client)

Enfys Maloney
- Sales Trainer

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Louise (1)

It was an incredible experience. Karen's mentoring is second to none.

Her personal touch and nurturing way was exactly what I needed. (Group program client)

Louise Fernando
- Empowerment Coach for Women


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Yes! It's all there from the start date. There's an onboarding module containing a tour of the platform, and a self assessment tool to guide you to your priority steps and focus areas. PLUS, it'll keep growing too.

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What are you waiting for?

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Imagine where you could be 6 months from now if you said yes to yourself and went all in today.

This is your invitation to start thriving in business and in life. To be open to learning the knowledge you need and to start implementing it, straightaway. The emphasis is always on the doing, and that is why our students get the results they desire.

Game-changing results are waiting, and I would love to help you find your way to THRIVE.


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For just...


For an entire 12 months for the price of 6 when you pay in full you will get:

• 2 Live Calls Per Month With Me For Training And All Of Your Questions
• Business Assessment Tools To Keep You On The Right Track
• Dashboard With Over 200 Trainings Across Dozens Of Business Topics
• All My Mastermind Success Paths Worth £2000 On Their Own
• The Incredible Facebook Community For Connection And Support
• Roadmaps To Guide You Through Curated Lesson Plans
• A Monthly Copy Clinic with An Expert Copywriter To Audit Your Work
• Masterminding And Co-working Sessions
• Member's Directory For Enhanced Networking And Collaboration

And Special Bonuses Including
• The Entire BreakthroughTM  Online with Karen Kissane Course (Value £697)
• 12 Months Of Calls And Group Access When You Pay In Full (Value £1000)