Your RemarkableTM Business Starts Here.

BreakthroughTM Online with Karen Kissane

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The self-led ‘Online course.’

Your 90 day roadmap and the fastest route to your first or next 10 paying clients. Designed for new and nearly new coaches, receive a new business building action step into your inbox every day for 90 days and notice how fast things take off.


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The 12 month group program that gives you a dashboard full of learning resources, a community and an invitation to my powerful live calls.

THRIVE isn't a course,
Or a program,
Or a mastermind
Or a training portal.
It's all of these.
And it's unique because it'll grow with you.
RemarkableTM Coaches and Consultants, Monetise Your GeniusTM and make more, more simply.



We’ll get together on Zoom for a fully immersive half day intensive that will equip you with the plan and tools you need to execute on a new initiative or existing strategy. You’ll leave with a step by step plan that will bring you quick wins as well as longer term results.

High Touch 1:1 Mentorship

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A powerful blend of high touch, high impact 1:1 and group mentoring for exceptional women who want to go faster and reach high revenue months without working harder. Where Smart Women Scale SimplyTM.

Chateau Du Treuil Retreats

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Explore true growth from deep within at one of my business transformation retreats surrounded by smart, inspirational women, at my own personal private French retreat.


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Built for coaches by coaches, this is a complete business management and growth system for your coaching business... with an integrated A.I assistant and done-for-you automation intelligence.



The ultimate hangout for Remarkable® coaches, consultants and course creators. The place where you can connect with me in a more intimate way. I share my best strategies and ideas inside Remarkable®. Be warned though, I don’t just let anyone in. It's a special place for special people.

If you’re standing on the sidelines looking in and you’re not sure whether I’m the person to help you, a great place to start is here. I’ve created a series of free downloads that will help you get moving and will give you an introduction into me and my work.

When you’re ready to take the next step, I’ll be right here…

Free Resources

Free Guide

Four simple funnels coaches can build easily, to generate more leads and book more clients + the lowdown on optimising your funnel.


Free Guide

Marketing made easy for coaches. Steal my simple, high converting marketing frameworks and map out your marketing strategy in under an hour.


Free Guide

60 Ways to get more clients online. The must-have blueprint for coaches and consultants. Get more clients, make more sales and grow your business.


Free Guide

Learn how the most successful coaches and consultants Get Noticed and build an audience of buyers online without losing hours of their life to social media or paying for ads.


Training & trello board

The steps I've taken to go from 'just starting out' in 2017, to reaching £1M+ in revenue in 5 years.